Monday, March 23, 2009


That’s the exclamation my Aunt always used when she was regretting something. So what am I regretting? Failed job opportunities.

I wasn’t keen on working in a bank, so even though I submitted my CV/resume, I never sat for their tests. But people told me to stop being so specific; that I should cast my net wide, then throw out the fishies I don’t want. So I wrote a bank test. And failed. By two kparuf marks.

Then I was invited to write a test for this really tek company, which might have been the job of my dreams. An’ya! If only I had read my gmat more! That book is falling apart yet I’m not the one responsible for that. Other people have been seriously reading it for me. Gba, good for me. Sighs. If only I’d written like three other tests before this particular firm, I would have been more serious, determined. The questions were not even difficult. An’ya!

Anyway, it’s just two tests; the day is still young, and I’ve learnt my March Lesson: Job Market sucks when you don’t prepare adequately for tests. The lesson applies to other spheres of life too. Poor preparation and I-don’t-care mentality is going to bite you in the bum like a mad dog whose hair is falling off.